Lessons from the Severed FloorWhat Apple TV’s Severance teaches us about workplace culture.Jan 9Jan 9
The first line "maybe they don't want us to break the cycle" is so damn powerful!There are so many barriers to escaping and reacting a new life you just may be on to something. Thank you for this.Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Abortions Save Lives: Victims are in Danger…AgainIn my early twenties, I had a brief stint working as a receptionist for an abortion clinic in Manhattan and Brooklyn. That is where I first…Jun 24, 2022Jun 24, 2022
Corporate Social Responsibility and Intimate Partner ViolenceDuring my time in college, I recall learning about corporate social responsibility (CSR) in several of my business and marketing classes. I…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
My hopes for survivors of intimate partner violence in 2022My hopes for victims and survivors of intimate partner violence in 2022Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
7 Not-So-Obvious Signs Your Employee is Being AbusedOftentimes, domestic violence isn’t taken seriously until it is in the news due to the victim being murdered or there is a video of the…Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
We can’t end domestic violence until we fix wage disparitiesMany of us have heard the statistics around gender wage disparity. On average women earn 82 cents of every dollar a white man earns…Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021